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euclidean algorithm中文是什么意思

用"euclidean algorithm"造句"euclidean algorithm"怎么读"euclidean algorithm" in a sentence


  • 欧几里德算法
  • 欧几里得算法
  • 欧几里得辗转相除法
  • 辗转相除法


  • 5 . according to the euclidean algorithm rs encoder and decoder are implemented in fpga
  • This paper emphasizes on the most popular rs decoding algorithm : berlekamp ? massey algorithm and euclidean algorithm , and their improved form
    本文重点研究了最流行的两种rs解码算法? berlekamp ? massey算法和euclidean算法及其各种改进形式。
  • Because the method proposed here does n ' t use the euclidean algorithm , it is easy to solve the coefficients . moreover , its results are the same as that obtained by other methods
  • In this paper , a new architecture of hardware decoder based on the modified euclidean algorithm ( mea ) is provided , and it is called the fprme ( fully - pipelined recursive modified euclidean ) decoder
    本文基于修正的欧几里德算法( mea )设计了一种新的硬件解码器实现结构,称其为fprme ( fully - pipelinedrecursivemodifiedeuclidean )解码器。
  • Firstly , a 52 degree univariate polynomial equation is deduced by using resultant elimination method . 6 extraneous roots are found during the process to obtain the other 3 variables by using euclidean algorithm
  • Methods of estimating baud rate , signal to noise ratio ( snr ) and reference phase are investigated . a modified euclidean algorithm is proposed to estimate baud rate of the burst packets . a cumulant based algorithm of estimating snr of star - qam is proposed which has better estimation performance in medium scope of snr
  • The evaluation criterion of the performance and the taxonomy for wireless sensor networks self - localization system and algorithms are described , the principles and characteristics of recent representative localization approaches are discussed and presented in detail . 3 . based on the euclidean algorithm
    2 、综述了无线传感器网络自身定位算法和系统的性能评价指标、分类方法,在研究和比较现有的典型算法和系统的基础上,对现有的无限传感器网络定位系统和算法进行分析和总结。
  • In this paper , the common used encoding algorithms and basic finite - field opera - tions algorithms are introduced , and the decoding algorithms such as inverse - free ber - lekamp - massey ( ibm ) algorithm , reformulated inverse - free berlekamp - massey ( ribm ) algorithm and modified euclidean algorithm are analyzed in great detail . based on the ribm algorithm , a modified structure and a pipelined decoder scheme are presented . a tradeoff has been made between the hardware complexities and decoding latency , thus this scheme gains significant improvement in hardware complexity and maximum fre - quency
用"euclidean algorithm"造句  


In mathematics, the Euclidean algorithm, or Euclid's algorithm, is an efficient method for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers, also known as the greatest common factor (GCF) or highest common factor (HCF). It is named after the Greek mathematician Euclid, who described it in Books?VII and X of his Elements.
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